Saturday, December 27, 2008

Il Mondo /My World (Il Mondo)

數年前的某天,筆者在港島某處,偶然地聽到了一首英意雙語夾雜的男聲歌曲,腦海中頓然泛起一絲似曾相識的感覺,惜至曲終後卻未能記回這歌的有關資料。可幸的是在不久後的一次往某大唱片連鎖店購物,歸家後如常地把購來的唱片逐張放上收聽,其中一枚《Engelbert Humperdinck Gold》(雙唱片集)內的一曲"My World (Il Mondo)"竟欣然提供那份答案,它更使我拾回了當年喜愛這歌的美好回憶。


身兼演員、歌手及作曲三棲的意籍男藝人Jimmy Fontana與Gianni Meccia及Carlo Pes於1965年創作了"Il Mondo"這意大利語歌曲,並由前者灌唱。1966年,Decca唱片公司把該曲編成英語版,保留了Il Mondo兩字於整篇歌詞內及把歌名修改為"My World (Il Mondo)"後,交由剛以一曲"Release Me"竄紅英美樂壇的Engelbert Humperdinck作演譯,並收錄於其首張個人LP《Release Me》內。

記憶中,Engelbert Humperdinck主唱的"My World (Il Mondo)"在當年逕電台播放後,迅即廣受其時港澳流行樂迷的歡迎,並吸引了不少本地著名歌手及歌唱比賽的參賽者以此曲作演譯。從筆者的欣賞角度而言,除了喜愛這熟識的英籍歌手他那柔和及帶雄渾的唱腔外,整體歌曲的層次編排尤其出色,由平淡的前段演譯,瞬間爬升上全曲的高潮所在,往後卻又能巧妙地似的把那蕩氣迴腸之感延伸下去。

被網友上載至Youtube,由原唱者Jimmy Fontana演譯的"Il Mondo"灌唱及現場版:

No, esta noche amor no, yo no he pensado en ti
Abrí los ojos para ver en torno a mí, y entorno a mí giraba el mundo
Como siempre.

Gira, el mundo gira, en el espacio infinito,
Con amores que comienzan, con amores que se han ido,
Con las penas y alegrías de la gente como yo.

O mundo, llorando ahora yo te busco,
En el silencio yo me pierdo y no soy nada al verte a ti.

El mundo no se ha parado ni un momento,
Su noche muere y llega el día y ese día vendrá.

O mundo…

El mundo no se ha parado ni un momento,
Su noche muere y llega el día y ese día

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

Engelbert Humperdinck 演譯的"My World (Il Mondo)"灌唱Youtube版:

Stay Beside Me, Stay Beside Me,
Say You'll Never Leave Me.
How I Love You, How I Love You,
How I Need You, Please Believe Me.
In Your Arms, I've Found My Heaven
And Your Lips Have Done Their Part.

Il Mondo,
Your Love Is All I Need In My World.
Let Tender Kisses Plead In My World.
How Could I Ever Live Without You?

Il Mondo,
My Heart Belongs To You, So Take It.
And Promise Me You'll Never Break It,
Say You'll Stay Here In My Arms.

Stay Beside Me, Stay Beside Me,
Say You'll Never Leave Me.
How I Love You, How I Love You,
How I Need You, Please Believe Me.
In Your Arms, I've Found My Heaven
And Your Lips Have Done Their Part.

Il Mondo,
Your Love Is All I Need In My World.
Let Tender Kisses Plead In My World.
How Could I Ever Live Without You?

Il Mondo,
My Heart Belongs To You, So Take It.
And Promise Me You'll Never Break It,
Say You'll Stay Here In My Arms,
Here In My Arms.

Il Mondo
Il Mondo

七十年代,"My World (Il Mondo)"也曾被香港女歌手葉麗儀(Frances Yip)及陸小雅(Juliana Luok)演譯灌唱,更曾被改編成由齊格飛(黃奇智)填詞、方逸華(Mona Fong)主唱及Los Mensajeros Del Paraquay伴唱 的華語+西班牙版本:"無言的情詩"。

Frances Yip's Greatest Hits     (1972/Life Records LSP 9060)

Juliana Luok 陸小雅 - Killing Me Softly  (1974/Golden Shield Records GT-1002)

方逸華與西班牙旋律       (1970/EMI (Regal) - S-LRHX-1014)


Gira Il Mondo Gira,
Nello Spazio Senza Fine.
Con Gli Amori Appena Nati,
Con Gli Amori Già Finiti.
Con La Gioia E Col Dolore
Della Gente Come Me...



Il Mondo,
Soltanto Adesso Io Ti Guardo.
Nel Tuo Silenzio Io Mi Perdo.
E Sono Niente Accanto A Te.

Il Mondo Non Si è Fermato
Mai Un Momento.
La Notte Insegue Sempre Il Giorno.
Ed Il Giorno

La La La La La La La La La
La La La La La La La La La
La La La La La La La La La

2005年,新晉意籍男歌手Patrizio Buanne,也就是上述筆者於數年前某處聽來的男聲,以英意雙語夾雜形式重新演譯"Il Mondo",但這次其版本的名字卻被改成"Il Mondo (My World)",以下是他在某音樂會中演譯該曲的Youtube短片連結:

Engelbert Humperdinck Gold
葉麗儀Frances Yip (麗風唱片年代)
AMG - Patrizio Buanne.Il Mondo (My World)

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