Sunday, July 29, 2007

Al Di La - Soundtrack from 〈Rome Adventure〉 (Lovers Must Learn)

1962年,華納電影公司拍製了一齣由Delmer Daves 廸瑪戴維斯執導、原自小說《Lovers Must Learn》及名為〈Roman Adventure〉的浪漫戀愛劇情片,在港上映時被譯作〈玉女痴郎〉。主要男女演員是Troy Donahue 杜唐納許Angie Dickinson 顏芝狄堅遜Rossano Brazzi 羅山奴巴拉西Suzanne Pleshette 蘇姍貝茜。戲中劇情是講述Prudence Bell(蘇姍貝茜飾演)本是一名女校的助理圖書館管理員,因推介了一部在當時的道德標準被看作是含淫猥性的小說《Lovers Must Learn》給一位女生後被校方批評,憤而辭職。她為了追求真愛,於是決定單身前往意大利。在從紐約往意國的輪船上,巧遇上了成熟穩重兼富拉丁情人色彩的Roberto Orlandi(羅山奴巴拉西飾演),抵達後她在羅馬找到了一份書店的工作,並邂逅了剛和女朋友Lyda(顏芝狄堅遜飾演)分手的隣居Don Porter(杜唐納許飾演),兩人其後共遊意大利及繼而開展了戀情。整體上,這片並不算是一套很出色的電影,最大的成就亦只是憑蘇姍貝茜獲得金球獎的最有前途新人獎。但片中的主題音樂及插曲,卻極受當年的樂迷喜愛。

筆者擁有的一張7吋黑膠唱片,就收錄了〈玉女痴郎〉片內的四首主要主題音樂及插曲"Al Di La"、"Rome Adventure"、"Lovers Must Learn"及"Tarantello"。

從唱片的封套上可看到,"Lovers Must Learn"(原意大利語是"Gli amante devono imparare")也就是該片的別名。

當中最廣受懷舊樂迷歡迎的,無可置疑必定是片中由Carlo Donida作曲、Giulio Rapetti (Mogol)填詞及意籍男歌手Emilio Pericoli主唱的插曲"Al Di La",該曲其後亦被不少的著名歌星如Connie FrancisAl MartinoJerry ValeJoni JamesVic Damone等翻唱。可惜筆者最喜愛的原唱片版內長達1分45秒的前奏音樂,卻沒有在任何後來由Emilio Pericoli灌唱此歌的復黑CD版出現。

Al Di La
Origination (contributed by Jerry Wanek)

Emilio Pericoli famous hit was Al Di La from the 1962 film Rome Adventure though it was not the title song for the movie.

La-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la

No creia posible,
Que se pudieran decir estas palabras:

Al di là del bene più prezioso
Ci sei tu
Al di là del sogno più ambizioso
Ci sei tu

Al di là delle cose più belle
Al di là delle stelle ci sei tu
Al di là ci sei tu per me
Per me soltanto per me

Al di là del mare più profondo
Ci sei tu
Al di là dei limiti del mondo
Ci sei tu

Al di là della morte infinita
Al di là della vita ci sei tu
Al di là ci sei tu per me

La-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la

Al di là della morte infinita
Al di là della vita ci sei tu
Al di là ci sei tu per me

La-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la

Al di là

The movie starred Suzanne Pleshett and Troy Donahue. The plot was about a lonely school teacher who takes a vacation in Italy and falls in love with a guy. In one scene, they are at a posh nightclub and Emilio Pericoli is the nightclub performer where he sings Al Di La. It is all in Italian and he has a fantastic voice, almost operatic, and the lyrics are real romantic. She asks what does Al Di La mean. Troy answers, "It's kind of hard to explain. It means 'far far away,' beyond the beyond,' 'beyond this world.' That's how much he loves her in this song."

Because many of the girls on the East Coast, Philly, NJ, and NYC can understand Italian, the song was a instant success plus the romantic scene from the movie, a real tear jerker. Many U.S. singers at the time cut a recording such as Connie Francis, Jerry Vale, Vic Damone and a few others. I think Pericoli might have tried some other songs but they never caught on like Al Di La.

而其餘的三首音樂插曲"Rome Adventure"、"Lovers Must Learn"及"Tarantello",則是屬於30至60年代中著名電影作曲家Max Steiner的作品。其中的"Rome Adventure"往後更常被套用在不少的60年代粵語文藝愛情影片內,作為背景或過場音樂。

"Al Di La"原唱片2分24秒試聽版 ﹕

"Rome Adventure"

"Lovers Must Learn"


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