Thursday, November 24, 2011

See You In September - The Happenings

"See You In September"、"Shakin' All Over"、"I Love You"、"Simon Says"、及"Baby, Now That I’ve Found You"這五首在上世紀六十年代曾風靡一時的歐西流行歌曲,可說是引發及重大地影響着筆者自年幼時、走上早期熱愛收聽歌樂之路的主因。記憶中,它們全皆是筆者於唸小學時,下午完課後在校舍的邊沿梯間當空通道上,從隔鄰民居內傳出的電台播音而接收回來的。

原自美國音樂人Sid WayneSherman Edwards創作的"See You In September ",本由The Tempos樂隊於1959年作首次灌唱,歌曲面世後,曾在該年8月末段期間攀上流行榜的第二十三位。1966年春季時分,來自美國新澤西州帕特森市(Paterson, New Jersey)The Happenings樂隊以嶄新形式把這歌灌唱;同年6月於波士頓突發地升上流行榜的前十位內;7月攀上Billboard Hot 100榜及8月次週的前十位內,最高峯時,更曾於9月首週升至第三位,並維持在榜的前十位內至該月結束;12月,憑着《See You In September.He Think He’s A Hero》這單曲唱片銷量已達一百萬張之多,The Happenings獲美國唱片業公會(RIAA)頒與金唱片(Gold Disc)獎。而位處南美的巴西,這個由The Happenings演繹的"See You In September "版本,當年也是廣受該國樂迷們喜愛,並曾於1967年1月登上里約熱內盧 (Rio de Janeiro)市流行歌曲榜的首位。


其後,"See You In September"這歌曾被收錄於The Happenings的下列三張組合長壽唱片(LP)專集內:

The Happenings - Bye, Bye, So Long, Farewell    (B.T. Puppy Records – 1966/BTPS 1001)

The Happenings – Golden Hits!    (B.T. Puppy Records – 1968/BTPS 1004)

The Happenings "Greatest Hits"     (Jubilee Records – 1969/JGS 8030)

The Happenings是一支四部合唱的樂隊組合,早期成員包括了Bob Miranda (Lead)、Tom Giuliano (Tenor)、Ralph DiVito (Baritone)、及David Libert (Bass) 。1968年,Bernie LaPorta替代了Ralph DiVito的位置;與此同時,Lenny Conforti加入成為樂隊在巡迴演唱會中的鼓手。1970年,David Libert離隊,開拓他個人在樂界內的其它發展事業。而他們的首個"See You In September "灌唱版本,是由當時任職B.T. Puppy Records公司的Bob Crewe錄製及Herb Bernstein作編曲安排的。

2001年,以Wounded Bird Records標記名義出版的一張名為《The Happenings - Greatest Golden Hits》CD專集面世,收錄了"See You In September "及所有其它出現於《The Happenings – Golden Hits!》、《The Happenings "Greatest Hits"》這兩張LP專集內的歌曲。

The Happenings - Greatest Golden Hits    (Wounded Bird Records – 2001/WOU 1004)

  1. I Got Rhythm    (George GershwinIra Gershwin)
  2. Sealed With A Kiss    (Gary Geld.Peter Udell)
  3. Breaking Up Is Hard To Do    (Howard GreenfieldNeil Sedaka)
  4. Go Away Little Girl    (Gerry GoffinCarole King)
  5. Tea For Two    (Irving CaesarVincent Youmans)
  6. Randy    (David LibertBob Miranda)
  7. See You In September    (Sid WayneSherman Edwards)
  8. Girl On A Swing    (Robert Miranda)
  9. Goodnight My Love    (Sandy Linzer.Denny Randell)
  10. My Mammy    (Walter DonaldsonSam M. LewisJoe Young)
  11. Why Do Fools Fall In Love    (Morris Levy.Frederick Lyman.Frank Lymon)
  12. Music! Music! Music!    (Bernie Baum.Stephen Weiss)
  13. You’re In A Bad Way Baby    (Mitch Margo.Hank Medress.Jay Siegel)
  14. Girls On The Go    (Stephen Friedland)
  15. Crazy Rhythm    (Irving CaesarRoger Wolfe KahnJoseph Meyer)
  16. He Thinks He’s A Hero    (Mitch & Phil Margo.Hank Medress.Jay Siegel)

I'll Be Alone Each And Every Night.
While You're Away, Don't Forget To Write.
Bye-Bye, So Long, Farewell.
Bye-Bye, So Long.

See You In September,
See You When The Summer's Through.
Here We Are, (Bye, Baby, Goodbye)
Saying Goodbye At The Station. (Bye, Baby, Goodbye)

Summer Vacation (Bye, Baby Bye, Baby)
Is Taking You Away. (Bye, Baby, Goodbye)
Have A Good Time But Remember,
There Is Danger In The Summer Moon Above.
Will I See You In September
Or Lose You To A Summer Love?

(Counting The Days 'Til I'll Be With You)
(Counting The Hours And The Minutes, Too)
Bye, Baby, Goodbye.
Bye, Baby, Goodbye.
Bye, Baby, Goodbye (Bye-Bye, So Long, Farewell)
Bye, Baby, Goodbye (Bye-Bye, So Long)
Have A Good Time But Remember,
There Is Danger In The Summer Moon Above.
Will I See You In September
Or Lose You To A Summer Love?

(I'll Be Alone Each And Every Night)
(While You're Away, Don't Forget To Write)
See You (Bye-Bye, So Long, Farewell)
In September. (Bye-Bye, So Long, Farewell)
I'm Hopin' I'll See You (Bye-Bye, So Long, Farewell)
In September (Bye-Bye, So Long, Farewell)
Well, Maybe I'll See You (Bye-Bye, So Long, Farewell)
In September . (Bye-Bye, So Long, Farewell)

至於曾被香港歌手或樂隊演繹的"See You In September "版本,筆者迄今只能找到兩項;其一是由Teddy Robin & The Playboys於1966年中後期灌唱的原英語歌詞版,收錄於他們的《Not All Lies》LP專集、1969年的《Teddy Robin & The Playboys》LP專集、及2008年的《Teddy Robin & The Playboys’ New Double album》復黑版雙CD專集內。



★單簧管 (Clarinet)







於1959年由The Tempos演繹的"See You In September"原灌唱版本:


"See You In September" - 英語維基百科網站
The Happenings - 英語維基百科網站
AMG網站 – The Happenings

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